Jonesport to St. John
Home Up Jonesport to St. John St. John River


a028_10.JPG (846626 bytes) We found a quaint and very nice inn where the innkeeper picked up fresh lobster from the dock and cooked us a nice dinner, including fresh fiddlehead fern.

a007_31.JPG (751593 bytes)a020_18.JPG (703312 bytes) Making our way to Campobello Island on a cloudy, possibly rainy day.

PA13561193107.jpg (160626 bytes) Moored in Dipper Harbor with a stern anchor trying to stay off all kinds of other moored vessels in the tiny area behind the breakwater.

PA13561193104.jpg (305717 bytes) Rowing around in Dipper trying to figure out the best way to keep our stern away from a big fishing vessel laying very differently from our boat off its mooring, which was very close to ours.

PA13561193121.jpg (210298 bytes)PA13561193127.jpg (268538 bytes) It looked like it might rain on the way to Campobello from Cutler. We were prepared but nothing came of it, fortunately.

PA13561193133.jpg (291734 bytes) I brought my Yamaha "Silent Guitar", which plays through an FM radio transmitter into the boat's stereo. It's one way to have a guitar on board without risking the exposure of a finer instrument to the harshness of the marine environment.

a029_9.JPG (835228 bytes) Fine dining, Chaos style.


PA135611931154.jpg (279260 bytes) We put on our game faces to take on the unknown forces of the reversing falls. Fortunately, we did time it correctly and enjoyed very peaceful, still waters on our way through.

PA13561193146.jpg (354360 bytes) The jet boat ride on the reversing falls. I decided to stay behind and take pictures. It just looked too crazy for a sailor who spends all his time figuring out how to stay dry. Dad, Steve, and Michael did it.

a001_37.JPG (738741 bytes) A snack somewhere along the way.